If you have infected tooth pulp or a tooth root, Dr. Stephen T. McInerney may recommend that you receive root canal treatment to prevent the infection from causing the tooth to be removed. While root canal treatment has been given a reputation of being unpleasant and even resulting in sickness that makes tooth replacement preferable, this has been discredited through... read more »
To rebuild your oral health and set your mouth on the proper path in life, you will need to assess all issues associated with endodontic care and provide the necessary treatments as soon as issues become prevalent. In many cases, endodontic care is designed for caring for the root of a tooth or any damaged pulps that may be present.... read more »
Do you know what a root canal is? Why you need one? Or what they do? If you answered no, you’re not alone. A lot of people are in the dark, so to speak, about what root canals do, why they’re necessary, and when you may need one. While they’re certainly not our favorite procedure to perform - since a... read more »
Common signs of a developing tooth problem include having a bad toothache, pain when biting or chewing, tooth sensitivity, tooth discoloration and swollen gums that are tender or have an ongoing pimple. If you are struggling with symptoms of tooth infection, we invite you to learn more about how root canal therapy can prevent tooth extraction. To provide root canal... read more »
Did you know that teeth that otherwise may be extracted due to a damaged pulp may still potentially be saved through the use of a root canal therapy? Root canal therapy treatments are designed to help care for the pulp and extract it to ensure that a tooth can still continue to function as needed. If for any reason the... read more »
Are you implementing new and effective oral health care treatments to ensure that your smile can continue to thrive? One of those vulnerable areas of your smile lies within your teeth. Within a tooth lies the pulp, which is considered the life force of the tooth as it has the connective tissues, nerve endings and blood vessels designed to sustain... read more »
Are you someone who has questions about root canal treatment? If so, you’re not alone. Because the treatment can seem complex, many people have many questions about root canal treatment. Because knowing the answers is better than not knowing the answers, our dentist, Dr. Stephen T. McInerney, is happy to help you. To do so, he would like to provide... read more »
A toothache or other dental pain can certainly be distressing. Many of these problems are related to some form of dental trauma or an untreated area of tooth decay that has affected the sensitive core structures of a tooth. This can sometimes be associated with a building pain and pressure in the tooth or gums. In a case like this,... read more »
A root canal is one of the more common treatments performed by endodontic specialists. Root canals are often required as part of an effective treatment plan for those who have significant dental trauma or a severe case of tooth decay, both of which can alter the health and integrity of a tooth’s core structures. During a root canal treatment, the... read more »
What Is Dental Pulp? Dental pulp is the tissue, blood vessels, and nerves in the center of a tooth. Why Might Dental Pulp Need to Be Removed? The dental pulp can become damaged from several things, including a cracked tooth, an injury or blow to a tooth, or a deep cavity. If damaged dental pulp is not removed, an abscess... read more »